You've written another enjoyable blog entry. Why should you think yourself a fool for writing this? You made me reflect upon my BFF (since 1st grade). And I wondered why she was my BFF and how we became friends. Well, I know why we became friends. Marlene (Margo) reached out her hand in friendship at recess when I was the new kid. My family had moved to a "new" neighborhood and I was starting at a new school and didn't know anyone. It was a frightening world for a 6 yr old. There I was alone on the playground at recess and Margo came up to me and introduced herself. She was my rescuer! She made me feel more secure and less alone. I loved her for that. We've been friends ever since. We live miles apart. She's in Il and we haven't seen each other in perhaps 15 years but we keep in touch almost daily. In fact, just today I received a lovely sterling silver necklace called "Embrace". It has one angel wing on the chain and the card with the necklace reads "We are each angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another" She bought one for herself as well. We've been each others cheerleader and comforter over the years. We have history.
Dee, don't ever stop writing from your heart. I love your blog entries. And even tho you and I didn't grow up together, we grew up during the same time period and I can relate to your cherished childhood memories. Thank you for being you and thank you for sharing your thoughts. Again I say, don't ever stop writing from your heart.