Friday, November 18, 2011

Oh Theres No Place Like Home for the Holidays

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Here we are, the week before Thanksgiving, and  Christmas tunes are playing on the radio continually, they won't stop till Christmas Day. We will be so sick of this beautiful music because of repetition over and over again.
Not only that, but there were at least 6 trees decorated and all through the lobby of the hospital when I was there on Thursday.
And driving home this evening one house has their tree up and lit, they had their curtains open and the tree was lit in its glory.

Whats wrong with everyone?  Why is everyone so determined to by- pass a wonderful holiday?
Thanksgiving.  A day to thank God for all of our blessings, to spend the day with our families- together, instead of hurrying through dinner because of the great sales being held. Trust me, they will have more great sales..For people leaving the gathering early so they can go home and get ready to shop is ridiculous. Stay with the family, play games or watch a special program, share the day with your loved ones AND 
boycott the stores now - before it gets out of hand and Thanksgiving will be known as a great shopping day instead of being known for what it is THANKSGIVING.

Everyone is so into material things, that they forget the real meaning of  the holidays. ALL the holidays, not just this one. Step back and look at what the world is turning into - really -  look around, take a good look and realize that you do not want to be a part of the material things, of rushing out to get a good deal, to stand in line with all the others for the same deal. Be thankful for your love ones around you and enjoy them -


Deb Sanchez said...

This is so beautiful. You should continue to write for yourself, because by doing so, you really are writing about things that matter to a lot of people. Your musings are interesting and bring a smile to people who are remembering and thinking about the things you are remembering and thinking about.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts and feelings.

Deb Sanchez said...

So true. We need to let Thanksgiving have its time.

Commercialization of holidays has really gotten out of hand. *They* can't figure out how to turn Thanksgiving into "Giftgiving" so, for the most part, retail pushes ahead with money lust early Christmas.

Dee's shared items


This time of year makes me think of all of those things I have to be thankful for - - - -
my husband
my children
my grandchildren
my health
my freedom
always thankful for friends made