Thursday, January 21, 2010


How many of us have will-power? Believe it or not, a lot of people do. They turn down deserts, second helpings and quit smoking cold turkey!
I quit smoking in 1991 and have not regretted it. I am proud of myself that I was able to do it. I also lost weight and kept it off for years. I did Jenny Craig and I did a 1000 calorie a day diet. Both times were very successful for me.  Jenny Craig moved out of Waterworks to Monroeville - to far to travel for me plus pay turnpike fair so I did the 1000 calorie diet. It worked for me.

  I had always been thin from the time I was born, I could eat whatever I wanted as often as I wanted and not put on a pound, I bore 4 sons and always got my weight back to where it was before pregnancy,  I took it for granted, in fact  lot of times I thought I was to thin, I am a firm believer you can never be to thin unless you are anorexics.

I went to the gym, I had a personal trainer for years, I walked - I did it all and then I got burned out. I started to put on the pounds a little at a time, it was not real noticeable at first. My clothes got a little tighter and I went up a size - but size 10 was still acceptable to me. Plus every office I worked in the women were thin & fashionable and that helped me stay on track. The last place I worked (13 yrs!) two others plus myself use to be called the 3 Musketeers because we wore the same size & dressed up plus we were always eating salads & fruit.
My diet consisted of one large glass of orange juice for breakfast, a can of vegetables OR watermelon for
lunch and a jenny craig meal for dinner or a piece of chicken,  fish & vegetables. Nothing went in my mouth at
night even when we went out.

So what the hell happened to me?  I guess I got burned out, I was tired of watching what I ate so I stopped. And even though I still had a personal trainer I was eating to many calories and not burning enough to compensate. That was the stupidest mistake ever. I was tired all the time and no matter what, I kept putting on weight, Why? I went to the doctor to find out - it was my thryroid! My thyroid went cofluey , my immune system attacked it and I have Hiroshima's Disease and Hypothyroidism!  Trying to lose weight with all that was to much for me to handle, no excuse - I should of had more self control but because I didn't I am now a very hefty woman with a very hefty hernia and no will  power!  I truly have to do something because it is harder for me to move, And they won't operate on me till I lose 30 to 35 lb. because I could develop lung problems. Not to mention that I am a 3 yr survivor of Breast Cancer and should be taking better care  of myself.
Can I once again rise to the occasion, will my body co-operate or at 67 am I to old? Will I be able to say NO to all things that should not go into my mouth? - this is my mountain I HAVE to climb - starting now -
I will keep you abreast of it and maybe in this way I will have the will power

1 comment:

lisa said...

Dee, You need to join sparkpeople. I am there again. It is just like the weight watchers site, but free. I have been tracking food since New Years. I love this site although my weight loss is slower than ever this time. I have lost and gained a massive amount of weight twice before. I still have not found a dress for Shannons wedding and I dread trying on a dress with this freakin flubber. Anyhow,. check out (if you already haven't) My name there is (dont you laugh) tinydancer. Peace to you lovely lady.

Dee's shared items


This time of year makes me think of all of those things I have to be thankful for - - - -
my husband
my children
my grandchildren
my health
my freedom
always thankful for friends made