Saturday, November 14, 2009


What a beautiful Indian Summer we are having. I did not think it would ever happen but good ole mother nature has been so good to us now for two weeks!! I could take this for a winter season with a little bit of snow for Thanksgiving and Christmas, keyword-little-

Today we went for a lovely ride in the country stopping at a local farm that was loaded down with apples.
Any kind we wanted was at our finger tips. Out of all the choices we picked the Gala apple. Ahh the pure
joy of taking a crunch our of a juicy delicious apple.

The things you can do with apples - there is of course, apple pie, apple sauce,  baked apples, apple butter,
apple cider, apple cake, carmel apples, the list goes on. We can all do this in out kitchen and have our whole home smelling so very good. Horses love to eat apples and of course we all know for a pig roast the good apple goes into the pig's mouth.

After the ride in the country we stopped at Glenn's for a custard, We were surprised to find them open. They will be open till Thanksgiving. Pajer's  farm will be open till Dec,23rd making all their home made pies, bread, gobs and hopefully they will still have some of those delicious apples left to buy.

My home has missed me this past week, I have not been home one day. Do you know what that means when
you are not home except for a quick breakfast or maybe a bite of dinner? It means that clothes don't get washed, dishes don't get done and on and on - - - - it all keeps piling up until your sick of looking at it and realize if you don't do it no one else will come in and do it - - - so, ok I did the kitchen, I detest a dirty kitchen filled with dirty dishes, I ho hummed the dining room and the living room is so trashed it could not be more trashed -so that is where it stands as of right now and it will be there till tomorrow cause I am done for the day - - - a glass of wine, nice dinner by candle light is what I am looking forward to tonight and not at home either!!

Go Pitt- - - - -Springdale football teams did a great job this year - we are so proud of them - - - Go Steelers
Don't ya just love all the great sport teams we have

1 comment:

lisa said...

Somehow apples taste best in fall. Sounds like you had a marvelous day :O)

Dee's shared items


This time of year makes me think of all of those things I have to be thankful for - - - -
my husband
my children
my grandchildren
my health
my freedom
always thankful for friends made