Friday, November 20, 2015

Dolores Rose: Family Tradition

Dolores Rose: Family Tradition: I'm so proud of "The Family Tradition Band." That wasn't the name they started out with. The original name was "A Da...

Family Tradition

I'm so proud of "The Family Tradition Band." That wasn't the name they started out with. The original name was "A Dad & His Lads.
Ron started our sons out at an early age playing instruments and singing. Our oldest son Ron had just started to play the saxophone, Brian was a natural, playing the drums. Doug played the tambourine and Jeff played "Mattel" guitar! 
They played at church functions, schools, picnics, & graduations. Everyone loved them and the fact that it was a dad and his sons, Ron did the lead guitar and sang, while the boys played their instruments. I bought the boys matching vests so they would look the same, and Ron always wore a white shirt.
A family tradition began with a father sharing his love of music with his sons, and they in turn loving it as much as him.
All through their younger years, teenage years, adult into the present day, they continue to sing and play instruments. Of course Jeff no longer plays Mattel guitar, he plays a real one, Ron J left the sax for guitar, Brian is still playing the drums, and Doug sang for while with them. 
They had jam sessions down in the basement, out on the patio, during the holidays, doing fund- raisers, playing at birthday parties, and it still goes on - as each year they sound better and better.
They expanded their Family Tradition Band  with April, who has a fantastic voice and Bob on rhythm guitar. They could of truly been the next American Idol winners if they had tried out.
They play out for birthday parties or anniversaries. And of course the event of the year is "The Barn Party"
 Our 3rd son, Doug, dropped out of the band many years ago, but his dad and brothers keep trying to bring him back into the fold - some day I hope it happens to make it truly complete.
 What do I do? I critique the music, but mostly sit back and enjoy listening, and marvel at how far they have come.

Dee's shared items


This time of year makes me think of all of those things I have to be thankful for - - - -
my husband
my children
my grandchildren
my health
my freedom
always thankful for friends made